Use this information as a starting point when shopping for a bicycle.
Rider Information
- Height (): .
BMX Bike Frame
BMX bikes are measured in centimeters regardless of the style, although some manufacturers may use inches.
Frame Measurement
This is the length of the seat tube, measured from the center of bottom bracket to top of the seat tube. Center to Top C-T:
Crank Sizes
Longer cranks give you more leverage, while shorter cranks allow you to pedal faster. Cranks are measured from the center of the axle to the center of the pedal hole (L).
Disclaimer: These bike size recommendations are for adults. Growing children should typically buy a bike with frame and crank slightly bigger than what we suggest for adults.
[tcb-script]/* Get params */ const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;var myUnit = urlParams.get(‘u’);var myHeight = urlParams.get(‘height’);var myFeet = “”;var myInches = “”;var myHalfInch = “”;if ( myUnit == “in” ){ myFeet = Math.floor(myHeight/12);myInches = Math.floor(myHeight%12);myHalfInch = “”;if ( myHeight % 1 === 0.5 ) {myHalfInch = “½”; }}var errorFlag = false;jQuery(‘.unit’).text(myUnit);if ( myUnit == “cm”) {jQuery(‘div.height-field’).text(myHeight);}if ( myUnit == “in”) { jQuery(‘div.height-field’).text(myFeet+”‘ “+myInches+myHalfInch+'”‘);}/* Frame Size*/var frameSize = Math.round(myHeight*0.3);var frameSizeChart = “”;if (myUnit==”cm”){if (frameSize <= 122) {frameSizeChart = ’15”-16″‘;}else if (frameSize <= 140) { frameSizeChart = ’16”-17″‘;} else if (frameSize <= 148) {frameSizeChart = ’17”-18’½”‘;}else if (frameSizeChart <= 163){ frameSizeChart = ’18’½”-19’½”‘;}else if (frameSizeChart <= 181){ frameSizeChart = ’20”-20’½”‘;}else if (frameSizeChart > 181){ frameSizeChart = ’20’½”++’;}else {errorFlag=true;}}if (myUnit==”in”){if (frameSize <= 48) {frameSizeChart = ’15”-16″‘;}else if (frameSize <= 55) { frameSizeChart = ’16”-17″‘;} else if (frameSize <= 59) {frameSizeChart = ’17”-18’½”‘;}else if (frameSizeChart <= 64){ frameSizeChart = ’18’½”-19’½”‘;}else if (frameSizeChart <= 70){ frameSizeChart = ’20”-20’½”‘;}else if (frameSizeChart > 70){ frameSizeChart = ’20’½”++’;}else {errorFlag=true;}}jQuery(‘div.frame-field’).text(frameSizeChart);/* Checks */if ( myUnit == null || myHeight == null || errorFlag == true ){jQuery(“.fieldSelections”).hide();jQuery(“.frame-field”).hide();jQuery(“.crank-field”).hide();jQuery(“#sizeForm”).append(“<p>Something went wrong, please go back to <a href=’’>bike size form</a> and try again!</p>”);}[/tcb-script]